Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Kylie & Griffin's Graduation

Well, I am running a little behind! Here are pics from Kylie and Griffin's graduation from obedience training at Petsmart.
They both did very well in class and I have to say that Griffy always looked great with his clothes and matching bows, we were hoping that Kylie would like it and want to wear them...but not so much.

Love this pic of Griffy!!!


  1. How is it that Grif and Ky are puppies and they look so OLD???

  2. How dare you talk about our babies like that...no wonder this is anonymous!! Actually, we thought the same thing, we are thinking about coloring Kylie's hair. By the way...I know who this is...and your shouldn't make fun of my Kylie's hair, now she has a complex and NO ponytails
